Wednesday, June 11, 2014


February 21, 2014
Laura(sitting on the couch): Mommy, will you read me this IKEA book?
Me(looking up to see what she had): You mean the IKEA catalog? You don't really read it.
Laura: Yes, it has words, see Mommy?
Me: Yes, those words tell you about the things you can buy. But I'm not going to read it to you.

Laura: Can I read some books in bed?
Me: Yes, for a little while.
Laura: I'm going to read this IKEA book.
She has been obsessed with the IKEA catalog for the last two weeks and wanted to talk to my Mom today when she called to tell her all the things we have in our house that we have bought from IKEA. I think it's the first "word" she can spell and read.

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