Wednesday, June 11, 2014

busy days

April 23, 2014
Mush, as in my brain status. It's that time of year when I am planning for next school year(and beyond) and still trying to complete this year's lessons. And knowing the garden season is just about here, I am trying to finish my organizing and purging of stuff in our house. Add in there some dinners/banquets, therapy, dental/doctor and eye appointments, homeschool conference stuff, weekly swimming lessons and homeschool soccer and it is no wonder I stare blankly at walls wondering if I am in the right place at the right time. I used to say I wasn't busy, just a homebody with our kids. Now I crawl up to bed, ignore the stacks of books on the nightstand and floor and settle in for another episode of Call the MIdwife or Downton Abbey. And this is from someone who doesn't watch much tv, usually content with my books. I don't even know who I've become. 

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