Saturday, January 14, 2012


This fence is along the side of our row of condos. I rarely walk around this way, but on the off-chance I do, I usually get a little thrill of having to step through those two fence posts as if I have just gained admittance to a whole new world, like through the back of a wardrobe into Narnia or just maybe into our backyard. There was that one time I was not thrilled at all when I got to those two fence posts, mostly having to do with not being able to get the girls' big red wagon through that opening and then having to walk all the way around to the OTHER end of the condo row to get to our gated backyard. But now I know the wagon doesn't fit, so it should be smooth sailing through those fence posts from here on out.

This is our welcoming front porch light which was here when we moved in. We replaced the back porch light and I'll show that one off another time. I just love porch lights, even though we really don't have a porch. It's just a concrete block of steps with a wrought iron railing to keep you from plunging off into the gargantuan bleeding heart plants that bloom each spring. But the light is charming and I often picture that style of light on our next house with a real front porch and a real hanging plant dangling underneath it but Shane has insisted that looks tacky. I'm biding my time. Some day we will find ourselves in a charming historic town or district and I will casually mention how lovely the houses all look and the hanging flowers and he will innocently agree and then I will smile triumphantly as I head off to the local nursery to pick out my hanging planter. It's a good plan. I'm confident it will work. He won't see it coming.

Speaking of front porches, this is my parents' front porch taken a few years back which currently looks mostly the same minus that hemlock on the left.

Actually, I wouldn't know a hemlock from a douglas-fir but I have a vague memory of my Mom calling it that, so we'll leave it at that. And actually there is another front porch just to the left of that now non-existent questionable species of tree that we all consider a fake front porch because we've never used it. Actually we did twice. Once for my wedding rehearsal and once for my wedding day. But that's it. I'm sure of it. And come to think of it, I think that fake front porch is slated to be tore out of there, which should be the fate of all fake front porches.

I love coming home to my parents' house with all the bright candles and pretty curtains in the windows. So inviting and since it technically is still my home, I can just invite myself right in to enjoy this delightful fire.

Whenever I lament how much I would enjoy a nice roaring fire in our bedroom, Shane invariably says "I can do that, but only once". Funny guy. The bed and breakfast that we have stayed at a couple of times on the coast of New Brunswick has a fireplace in the suite which I just soak right up, and which is why I no longer like regular hotel rooms.

Our next house will have a real front porch with a charming porch light above a lovely hanging plant and a fireplace in the master bedroom. Another good plan, I think.

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