Monday, May 7, 2012

Early May

Yesterday, being Sunday, brought a busy morning of getting everyone ready for church and me putting the finishing plans on my Sunday School lesson which was the three plagues of locusts, hailstones, and darkness. On a last minute whim for teaching the locusts, I grabbed some pieces of vegetable from the fridge and chomped or ripped bite marks to show the devastation caused by the locusts.
And just so the kids knew what a locust looked like, I took a dried specimen, (with its detached leg) we collected last year and brought it in to show them. I think it did the trick!

It was a quick trip home to get Seth to a friend's birthday party that had already started earlier in the morning. With the girls down for a nap, we spent a quiet afternoon reading and napping. After the girls were up, Shane took Laura to pick up Seth and while they were away, I started the grill for dinner. The neighbor dropped off a playhouse for the girls earlier that morning which was filthy but Shane let them go inside anyway. I worked on dinner and Shane got the patio table assembled. We ate our meal outside for the first time this year with the girls sitting at their picnic table that Carol found at the curb. By this time the girls were quite dirty, so I gave them a bath while Shane cleaned up in the kitchen.

After we put the girls to bed, I spent some time reading my biography of Ruth Bell Graham and then when Shane's younger brother called, I took an opportunity to catch up on my latest interest, watching episodes of River Cottage on YouTube.  It is so interesting and I am fascinated by the British manners and customs.

Today, it was back to our usual routine involving a math lesson with Daddy before he left for work and then later Bible lessons and reading a short bio of John Calvin for our history studies.  We then headed outside for some sunshine and play before feeding the girls and settling them for a nap.  After Seth and I ate lunch, he worked through a Latin lesson and then together we completed a grammar and spelling lesson.  He finished by reading about ants in his nature reader while I got ready to scrub the new playhouse down.  We worked on it together and it took us about a half hour until I was satisfied it was clean enough for the girls to play in.  I have begun prepping the garden soil and am so pleased with its soft, loamy richness that the fork so easily digs through.  I still have to plan out what is going in this year and where.  And the worms are so plentiful, I know the soil is getting some good nutrients from them.
Shane is working out tonight, so I'm on my own schedule for the rest of the afternoon and evening!

*Updated to add:
Shane did end up coming home for dinner as there was a terrible house fire in Joel's neighborhood. We enjoyed grilled pork tenderloin and grilled asparagus tossed with olive oil and sea salt.

Friday, May 4, 2012

life with robins

One of our robins.

Seth's photo of the nest

The pretty blue eggs.

Yesterday, Seth and I watched a robin hopping around on the ground at the base of cedar shrub. He immediately discussed the possibility of there being a nest in the shrub.  I assured him that the robin would not pick such a small little shrub to build her nest and lay her eggs.  Later that afternoon he came running inside, excitedly announcing that there WAS a nest with four blue eggs in it!  I eagerly handed him the camera, showed him the best setting and how to zoom-in and he was off.  I intended to go out later to see for myself but admired his photos from the camera in the meantime.

Today looking out the window, I watched a crow pace around the cedar shrub and then take a leap into the shrub. I had already checked on the nest earlier this morning and found all the eggs missing with a few fragments of shell on the ground. So I can only presume that a crow, perhaps even that one, was the culprit. The nest is not very high off the ground and it is in a high traffic area both for pets and humans, so I'm not the least bit surprised.  But it is disheartening as we were looking forward to watching some baby birds hatch and grow up.  Robins do usually lay more than one batch of eggs per spring so I'm holding out hope that we may find more eggs there one day soon.